Welcome to Redding Area Writers

A Writers' Group for the Greater Redding, California area.
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Featured Author of the Week

Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb

Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb

Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb is an autodidact, writer, author, poet, screenwriter, editor, essayist, bibliophile, logophile, linguaphile, humorist, creative, imagineer, artist and artiste, independent filmmaker, computer programmer, collector of Survivalist Fiction, veg(etari)an, philanthropist, humanitarian, Rights Activist, layphilosopher, recovering InterWebs addict, and all-around nice guy.

He lives in Northern California, USA. PTB is the creative works pseudonym of William H. Donnelly, and is mostly used for fiction writing, screenwriting, and some aspects of indie filmmaking. Other works, like poetry and computer-based creations, are done under his given name. You can call him Popeye or Bill, he answers to both, one with a smile and one with a grin.

Author Website:   http://www.iPopeye.net/

Featured Writers' Resources

35 Tips About Branding on Facebook or Twitter

A collection of posts on better branding on Facebook (and Twitter). Self-promotion techniques independently published authors need to know and use.
NOTE: Restored Archive. The author deleted most of his content in 2020.

13 Ways to Use Facebook for Personal Branding

"Everything you do in public, your behavior, appearance, things you say and even people you associate with, every act is done with self-promotion in mind."

I thought it was a bit of an over exaggeration when I heard it several years ago at a seminar on communication. However, sometimes, and more often at that, I can understand quite clearly what the speaker meant by that somewhat disturbing sentence.

Self-Publishing Basics: How to Pick the Size of your Book

As soon as you get serious about self-publishing or independently publishing a book, you are confronted with the choice of what size your book ought to be. This informative article addresses some of your questions and concerns.